Microsoft Exchange Server 2003-Connector für Lotus Notes
Bei dem Connector für Lotus Notes handelt es sich um ein Tool für Organisationen, in denen während einer Migration von Lotus Domino zu Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 eine Phase der Koexistenz beider Systeme erforderlich ist.
Exchange Load Generator (64 bit)
Exchange Load Generator is a simulation tool to measure the impact of MAPI clients on Exchange servers.
Exchange Load Generator (32 bit)
Exchange Load Generator is a simulation tool to measure the impact of MAPI clients on Exchange servers.
Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1
Starting with Exchange 2007, neither the Messaging API (MAPI) client libraries nor CDO 1.2.1 are provided as a part of the base product installation. As a result, there is functionality missing that many applications depend on. Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO 1.2.1 provide access to these APIs, which, in turn, provide access to the contents of MAPI stores.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes
Bei dem Kalender-Connector für Lotus Notes handelt es sich um ein Tool für Organisationen, in denen während einer Migration von Lotus Domino zu Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 eine Phase der Koexistenz beider Systeme erforderlich ist.
Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress Tool (32 bit)
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.
Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress Tool (64 bit)
Simulate disk I/O load on a test server running Exchange to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.
Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Certificate-Based Authentication Tool
The Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Certificate-Based authentication tool provides several utilities to assist an Exchange administrator in configuring and validating client certificate authentication for Exchange Server ActiveSync.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes
Der Migrations-Assistent für Lotus Notes wurde für Organisationen entwickelt, die eine Migration von Lotus Notes/Domino zu Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 durchführen.
Using Exchange Server 2007 for Unified Messaging and Fax
This content will detail the technical implementation and deployment strategy for deploying Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging features in the Microsoft enterprise messaging environment.
Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server with Service Pack 1 Beta 2
Help protect your Exchange server from viruses and other malware.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Beta 2 VHD – 32-bit version
This download comes as a pre-configured VHD. This download enables you to evaluate Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Beta 2.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes
This download contains a stand-alone version of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes.
Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 (KB940006)
Microsoft Forefront Server Security Management Console Release Candidate User Guide
Forefront Server Security Management Console allows administrators to easily manage Forefront Security for Exchange Server, Forefront Security for SharePoint, and Microsoft Antigen.
Microsoft Antigen for Exchange with Antigen Spam Manager with Service Pack 1 Beta Software
Antigen for Exchange provides server-level protection against the latest e-mail threats.
SMTPDiag ist ein Tool für die Fehlersuche, das auf einem Windows-Server ausgeführt werden kann, auf dem der IIS/SMTP-Dienst aktiviert ist oder auf dem Exchange Server installiert ist.